ID Theft & The Tyranny Of Rich People’s Games or
Fascism & Tyranny
Since 2008 I have been preyed upon by gangs of abusive strangers, and urged by strangers to “Play the Game”. Following the philosophy of ignoring and avoiding them, as you would ignore drunks, in the hope they would go away I have finally accepted that they won’t.
Violence followed their verbal abuse as they tracked me around the globe. Now in 2023 these “game players”, who appear to be a combination of bored millionaire kids, local fascists, and desperate “wannabes”, continue to make every area of my life impossible.
After being bullied out of London, gangs of “players”, who call themselves teams, have chased me around the world with their Tasers. They brainwash my employers, turn friends against me, and physically beat me up at every opportunity.
In France, they cracked my skull whilst I was eating my dinner. In Paris, KSA, China, Italy, and to this day in the UK, they send people to every place I stay to harass me for sex. In the strangest of places— Chinese bustops, supermarkets, even on the eighth floor of an apartment block in the 2nd Arrondissement, in Paris somehow getting past 2 digital door locks.
I have been drugged, sexually assaulted, suffered multiple head injuries, and had my food poisoned.
From London, they followed me to New York, the Middle East, through France, Spain, Morrocco, Italy, back to England, and then to India, the Middle East again, India again, and China. In every paid position and unpaid, they have appeared to persuademy employers to fire me, making my professional and personal life impossible.
Even though I have suffered multiple physical assaults, even in offices in the West Midlands where I have lived since 2014, somehow they remain unchecked.
Of course, I have approached the police for help but none has been forthcoming. As these psychopaths have never introduced themselves to me I don’t know their names. Since 2008 the English police have unlawfully detained me overnight three times, the last time when returning from teaching in China.
In England, they continue to smear my name, accuse me of Identity theft after stealing my passport in multiple places around the globe, and insist they are “married” to me or are “family”. Their lies have resulted in illegal overnight detentions, for no reason, both in the UK and in India. In Delhi I overheard a young man ask a woman outside the prison if I had been detained in overnight if I had “completed my training”. ?!
Despite having a mother in England whom I stayed with for a year before moving into independent accommodation, they continue to pretend that I am not English, and therefore need to “go back to my country”. I risk being verbally abused or physically attacked each time I go for a walk or to the local supermarket.
Even a local bus driver told me “You are an actress”, which was completely crazy because:
a. I am not an actress
b. I did not know who he was
Forcing me to work online after suffering multiple attacks at work, they have made it impossible for me to access medical or dental help and they continue to brainwash “gangs” or what they call “teams” of people to make my life a misery.
I know I am not the only one who has suffered from these psychopaths, whom I have seen opposed by everyone from Hollywood superstars to the English Royal Family.
Despite several examples, they continue to use my CV, my name, and my identity for themselves or their current “children”.
How can this be happening still? Have you had similar experiences?
All comments and help are welcome.
#Tyranny #UK #Humanrights #bullying #UKracism #game #players #tyranny #Hollywood #Hindus #MeeraKothand